Tuesday 24 April 2018

Hi everyone! Here you see a crossword that I made and it is about Disney movies! I hope you will like it:)
Goda Simokaitytė
Hey everyone!


Gabija Zubrutė                                                               

Friday 20 April 2018

LaLaLand / Jasone

Hi movie lovers!
I am Jasone and today I am going to be writing about my favourite movie named "LaLaLand". It is a 2016 American film written and directed by Damien Chazelle.

This movie is a musical, this is, there are always singing and dancing, so it is very nice, and the music is fantastic!. Not only that, it is also a romantic movie, and the two protagonists Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone fall in love, but they also have problems and they argue more than once, so if you like romance, you will love it! Besides, it is a comedy movie and it’s very funny in some moments! In my case, I like musical films, comedy films and mostly romantic films, so I LOVE this film. I am sure you will like it too!

The two protagonists are seen for the first time in a traffic jam. The first one we know is Mia, a novice actress who auditions without much sense and is not very successful. The other one is Sebastian, a jazz pianist, also not very successful, who plays songs in a restaurant. They are two dreamers trying to find success in los angeles, when they both meet after Mia heard him play the piano. They are destined for each other, but due to their new works and projects, the destiny separates them little by little, creating conflicts and discussions. And all this with very beautiful songs and dances in between. So if you want to know how this story ends, what are you waiting for watching it?


The movie that I'm going to talk about is called 'Annabelle'.

Annabelle is a 2014 American supernatural horror film directed by John R. Leonetti, written by Gary Dauberman and produced by Peter Safran and James Wan. The film was inspired by a story of a doll names Annabelle told by Ed and Lorraine Warren. The film stars Annabelle Wallis, Ward Horton, and Alfre Woodard.


All these start when John Form finds the perfect gift for his pregnant wife, Mia: a beautiful and unusual vintage doll who wears an immaculate white wedding dress. However, Mia's joy in receiving Annabelle does not last long. During a frightful night the couple sees how members of a satanic sect invade their home and attack them brutally. Not only do they leave spilled blood and terror after their visit ... the members of the sect conjure an entity of such evil that nothing they have done is compared to the sinister road to the curse that is now ... Annabelle.

I have seen this movie and from my point of view is one of the best horror movies I have ever seen. 

It seems that because its a doll doesn't have to be scary , because I thought that before I watch it, but I was wrong, it's very very very scary!!!

If you like horror movies as much as me, suggest and encourage you to see the movie, you're going to like it for sure!! 

Here is the trailer:

If you like the movie, there is another called 'Annabelle 2' and maybe soon 'Annabelle 3'. 

Enjoy watching it!


I'm going to tell you about a film that I rally like, it's call "The Maze runner".

Is the year 2024 and a boy called Thomas wakes up in a elevator. He doesn't remember nothing about his self or any other things. The doors of the elevator are open and he is in the middle of many boy
s. He has arived to the Claro, a place surrounded by towering walls with two gates that open every morning and give way to an enormous labyrinth. In the morning the labyrinth walls are open and the runners go into to discover the way for get out of there. But every night the labylinth doors are closed and the labylinth walls change position while some terrifying creatures called "laceradores" are walking between the walls.Once a month, the elevator goes up with a new boy, never a girl ... until now.
After the arrival of Thomas, an alarm sounds and the elevator brings another person. She is a girl, and in the note that accompanies her, she says: "She is the last, they will not arrive anymore". Things in Claro begin to change, and the only thing Thomas can think about is how much he wants to be a runner.


Hey my friends, I am Ane from the Laskorain Ikastola and Iam going write about a Basque film called "Handia".

Resultado de imagen de handia
This Basque film is directed by Jon Garaño and Aitor Arregi and it is shot in Basque. The gender of this film is drama and is a story inspired by real events. Based on the real story of the Giant of Altzo, the tallest man of the time and his brother Martin. After having fought in the First Carlist War, Martín returns to his family home in Guipúzcoa and there discovers with surprise that his younger brother, Joaquín, is much taller than usual. Convinced that everyone will want to pay to see the greatest man on Earth, both brothers embark on a long journey through Europe in which ambition, money and fame will forever change the destiny of the family.

Resultado de imagen de Handia peliculaI like this flim because I think that it makes you feel this adventure. Also because the emotional basis of the story is in the evolution of both brothers and how is that affecting the relationship between them. They are the engine of a beautiful and humanist story, charged with emotion, respect and love, and which reminds us that greatness is always hidden in small things.

I recomend you to see it. Thank!


Thursday 19 April 2018

E.T. / Luna


Imagen relacionada
Science fiction, Drama

This film was made in 1982, directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Melissa Mathison. Since I was a child, I love this film, before, I watched it a lot. The story is about an alien named E.T.After this gentle alien becomes stranded on Earth, the being is discovered and befriended by a young boy named Elliott. Bringing the extraterrestrial into his suburban California house, Elliott introduces E.T., as the alien is dubbed, to his brother and his little sister, Gertie, and the children decide to keep its existence a secret. Soon, however, E.T. falls ill, resulting in government intervention and a dire situation for both Elliott and the alien.
While all this is happening, in the story will occur a lot of beautiful, happy and also sad events.
I love how the film mixes the science fiction with so many feelings!       

Wednesday 18 April 2018

The age of Adaline

Today I'm going to tell you about one of my favourites fimls. That film is called "The age of Adaline".It's a drama fim but it includes a very romantic love story.

One afternoon in San Francisco, Adaline Bowman purchases fake IDs at an apartment before returning home to feed her dog. She then goes to work and opens a box of film reels, including one that explains her life. She was born on New Years Day 1908, then she got married and had a baby only to become a widow after her husband died in a tragic accident. Years later, in 1937, Adaline crashed her car when she swerved into a ravine during a snowstorm and died in the freezing lake nearby, but a lightning strike suddenly revived her. From that moment on, Adaline has stayed physically 29 years old.

Ever since, she has changed her identification and address according to the era, while her daughter Flemming ages normally, appearing older than Adaline. One night, two suspicious FBI agents attempt to force her onto an airplane to study her case, but she escapes captivity and realizes that she will have to spend the rest of her life on the run.

I recommend you see it!
-Sara from Italy.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Hello everyone !

Today I'm going to tell you one of the films that impressed me the most. That film is called ''Changeling''. It is a drama film but it aslo icludes mystery and crime. This movie is about kidnapped kid and his mom. That mother and her child live in one of the suburbs of Los Angeles. Mother (Christine Collins) goes to work as usual , and when she come back , she can't find her alone child at home. The search for the child, doesn't give any results. After a long time the cops find the child but Christine realizes he is not her own child. Authorities are forced for investigate but they can't get results. She finally decides to find her son and takes the priest's support. So , this movie about her interesting experience in this fight. Moreover , this film isn't fiction!

This movie really made sense for me :') Especially since this movie is about mother and her child , you'll probably feel the same things as mine...
Pınar Cem

changeling poster

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Hey everyone!

Today I'm going to tell you about a movie that I saw recently and for me it was wonderful.
The film is called "The odd life of Thimothy Green". The film is about a couple Cindy and Jim Green (Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton) who couldn't have children. The couple has done all they can to get pregnant but it didn't work, so they began to dream about what they child would be like, they wrote down everything they wished their kid would be, achieve and become, placed it in a box ant buried it in the backyard. And one stormy night young Thimothy shows up on their doorsteps and call them mom and dad. But that's not all, Thimothy has leaves growing on his ankles. He is a lot of different from other kids and have a strong relationship with nature. His perception of the world is a lot of different from other kids and even the adults. Thimothy comes into their lives for a reason. He brings some magic into their lives, trying to make them feel that the world is not that much of a sad place.

I truly recommend this film to all of you:) Maybe not all of you will like it, but It is a great family movie to see and it really gives that warm feeling.

Goda Simokaitytė